Wednesday, January 23, 2008


So much little things going on here and there.. couldn't think of a title or way to connect everything in a linear formation..

*very bummed about Heath. i have some friends that grew up with him down under. no i never met him or anything, but i always like him and thought he was just coming into his own. can't grasp that is was suicide.. who books a massage when they off themselves? just plain tragic..

*can not believe the Mormons are gunnin' for "alco-pops". ugh. our grocery stores are allowed to sell watered down beer and "alco-pops" (aka. Mike's Wicked Lemonade, etc.) well someone in the LDS community is positive it is encouraging underage drinking. really.. cause i thought it was fake id's.. and if it's not fake id's & someone is buying it for them, i don't think they'll stop because now they have to go to the state liquor store as opposed to our local Smith's grocery store. PURELY ABSURD! let's all get on our knees and pray Mitt does NOT end up in the oval office.. somethings I truly love about this state and some make me bang my head against a frying pan

*had an electrical shock last night while unplugging my laptop. apparently shocks are bad, bad, bad for pregnancy.. however Isabelle is doing awesome. she's been rockin' and rollin' almost nonstop since 8pm last night and has had 2 bouts of hiccups.

*we are planning on having Miss Isabelle's baptism in May. if you are interested in coming, let us know. at this time we are planning on inviting immediate family and the godparents of course!! the more the merrier, so just speak up if you want to attend!

i think that's all..

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