Sunday, February 1, 2009


I can not believe I'm planning our baby girl's first birthday! This time has flown faster than I was prepared for, though everyone tried to warn me. I cherish these days as much as I know how. I love watching her learn new things. She is so sweet natured and easy going - she is so much like her daddy :o)

When she was first born we took her to see a physician that specializes hand differences. He told us then that he wouldn't recommend anything be done to change her hand as based upon what he saw, her function would be perfect. And recommended that we wait till she was 1 before we had xrays taken. I remember feeling so alone, feeling that this doctor didn't care and wanting more information. I was so wrong.

I don't talk about Isa's little hand very much because it has become a non issue. She does have perfect function. There has been nothing that has been delayed or an obstacle for this lil' monkey. And I'm dragging my feet on making an appointment for her to get xrays. I get it now.

We will probably still get the xrays done some time this year. We feel we owe Isa all the opportunities avaliable. But if you ask me, I wouldn't change her hand if I could. We aren't meant to look the same. And she couldn't be anymore perfect than she already is.

I know there will be hard days and my heart will break the first time she says "I can't..." But I know my easy going gal will make it work and will only be stronger for it.

Before we were pregnant, I made it clear to Thomas that I want to adopt a child at some point. I still do. And if it works out, I really would like to adopt a child with a limb difference. I feel blessed that someone upstairs believed in Thomas & I, someone knew that this is something we could be awesome at as a couple. And we are. It would be awesome to be able to bring love and confidence to another child that may not otherwise receive it.

And with that said.. I'm not pregnant.. but we are trying for number 2


Oh.. I'm on Thomas' lap top, so no access to post pics this moment.. but there are tons on Flickr.. and I'll be taking a very special Valentine's Day photo shoot of Isa in the next week.

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