Monday, September 10, 2007

2nd Trimester, here we come!

I can not believe I'm already in the second trimester! This baby has also developed a quirky sense of humor already... I only get sick when it is the absolute worst time to be sick ( on my way to work, at work, in crowds, in places where bathrooms are no where to be seen). Hilarious baby :-)

I am getting more energy and feeling more motivated these days. I just hope this queasiness will subside soon!

We have our 14 week apt. this Friday. I'll let you know if we find out any juicy news. I think it's just going to be a pee & blood test day though..

And I've given up normal clothes. I did the belly band thing and it put way too much pressure on my bladder... not exactly comfortable. So I guess I will live in regular sized dresses and maternity pants for now :-)

Oh! And people are starting to realize on the their own.. I'm not fat, I'm creating life :-)


Ben said...

That would make a great bumper sticker or T-Shirt:

I'm not fat, I'm creating life :-)

The Kelly Green Rogue said...

LOL. when do you get to find out the sex? are you gonna find out the sex?